40 Oak Grove Dr. Novato Just Closed!

I recently received a call from a young couple who was relocating their family to the Bay Area from Los Angeles due to a job transfer. They were under a time crunch because they were in the process of selling their current home and needed to make a contingent offer on a new home. After spending just two weekends in the car with in order to familiarize themselves with the various Marin neighborhoods, I had a pretty good idea of what they were looking and they had decided on a couple of areas that would be suitable both for their children's school but also for the daily commute to work.
It didn't take long for us to find this gorgeous 4BD/3BA, two story home with over 2500 square feet. We succeeded in having our offer accepted at the asking price of $1,139,000 and were able to negotiate a few additional seller concessions. My clients are now happy new home owners and have completed their move to the Bay Area. I often work with clients who are in the process of re-locating and it is always rewarding to be able to enable a successful transition for them. If you find yourself in a similar situation then please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm happy to put my expertise and local real estate knowledge to work for you!
Ary Assadi Marin Modern Real Estate 415-216-5653 Ary@MarinModern.com